Business Hours
Client support & working hours are aligned with the USA
Monday – Friday 5am – 5pm Mountain
Equivalent to:
Monday – Friday 4am – 4pm Pacific
Monday – Friday 6am – 6pm Central
Monday – Friday 7am – 7pm Eastern
Monday – Friday 12noon – 12midnight GMT (UK Time)
Monday – Friday 1pm-11pm Amsterdam
Client Communication
Work/Life balance is really important.
There’s no cover at weekends, so it’s best to schedule any emails you want to send over the weekend to arrive on Monday during our business hours, that way you’ll be right at the top of the inbox.
Client communication is via an awesome app on the Mighty Networks platform or via email. Facebook is for fun gifs and cat photos, so I do request clients don’t use Facebook for SEO questions or updates.
Business Address
Flat Ground, 7 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8EB
SEO Contract Intro

SEO Services Contract
Client Name:
Project Start Date:
Current Domain Authority:
Company Name:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Contract
This contract is entered into between Photo SEO Lab of Flat Ground, 7 Buckingham Terrace, Glasgow, G12 8EB (hereinafter referred to as ‘Photo SEO Lab‘) and _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) on the ___ day of ___________, 2024.
Photo SEO Lab will provide the client with Search Engine Optimization Services (hereinafter referred to as “SEO”) as described in this contract. Photo SEO Lab will use specific keywords and/or phrases to improve the search engine ranking of, and/or position the contents of the Client’s website, http://www.clientsite.tld.
All fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the campaign.
SEO work is labor intensive and quite time consuming. Whilst the specific situation of a website and competitiveness of different markets varies, as a rough guide, we’ve found it typically takes a time investment of at least 30 hours of SEO work to see improvements in growth, and with brand new businesses or very competitive markets, client time investment should be higher.
Each SEO package has a recommended minimum client time commitment, which is an approximate guide and should be adjusted based on organic performance.
SEO VIP Day Package
SEO project duration: 5hrs
Recommended client time investment: 25hrs
Photo SEO Lab’s SEO VIP Day Package is intended to serve two main purposes; Firstly to correct any issues on the site that would hinder future rankings, and secondly to provide a healthy foundation for future growth potential. SEO work is typically quite time consuming, and as the VIP day is only 5 hours, ranking benefits may be limited. The best way for the client to benefit from this package is for the client to action any recommendations made during the VIP day at a later date. The package features will be delivered within one day in a mix of calls and task work completed by Photo SEO Lab, the specifics of which will be agreed prior to the agreed SEO VIP Day date.
Whilst the initial work is completed within one day (where possible), the client’s site performance will be monitored for 3 months to ensure improvements are making a positive impact.
SEO Kickstart Package
Duration: 10hrs
Photo SEO Lab’s SEO Kickstart Package is intended to serve several main purposes; Firstly to thoroughly research competitors to identify competition locally, Secondly to create a well-optimized foundation for the site to thrive in future, and thirdly to create a content plan to help guide the client with ideal-client targeted content creation.
Delivery of the work will ideally be completed over two days (5 hours per day).
It can take many months for new websites to rank, so priority should be given to content being created and published ASAP, and to content distribution across multiple channels , as well as building real-life industry relationships with wedding suppliers, venue staff and planners.
SEO Complete Package
Duration: 15hrs
Photo SEO Lab’s SEO Complete Package is the option suitable for most established websites. This package will be adapted to fit your specific website needs. The features are geared towards improving organic traffic through optimizing content as well as improving internal link structure. The core foundations of the site will be optimized, and coaching will be given on areas like keyword research and writing content.
The following section of the contract applies to all SEO Packages:
1. Photo SEO Lab’s SEO Services may include (but are not limited to):
• Researching keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms (up to 10 phrases).
• Editing and/or optimization of text for various HTML tags, metadata, page titles, and page text as necessary (up to 20 pages).
• Analysis and recommendations on optimal website structure, navigation, code, etc. for best SEO purposes.
• Recommend, as required, additional web pages or content for the purpose of “catching” keyword/phrase searches.
• Create traffic and ranking reports for clientsite.tld and any associated pages showing rankings in the major search engines.
2. For the purposes of receiving professional SEO services, Client agrees to provide the following:
• Administrative/backend access to the website for analysis of content and structure.
• Permission to make changes for the purpose of optimization, and to communicate directly with any third parties, e.g., your web designer, if necessary.
• Unlimited access to existing website traffic statistics for analysis and tracking purposes.
• Authorization to use client pictures, logos, trademarks, website images, pamphlets, content, etc. in relation to business directory/citation submissions by Photo SEO Lab for search engine optimization purposes.
• If Client’s site is lacking in textual content, Client will provide additional text content in electronic format via Google Drive for the purpose of creating additional or richer web pages. Whilst we can use your SEO time to write content for you, we will require information around specifics e.g. about your business or the wedding.
3. The client must acknowledge the following with respect to SEO services:
• All fees are non-refundable.
• All fees, services, documents, recommendations, and reports are confidential.
• Photo SEO Lab has no control over the policies of search engines with respect to the type of sites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. The Client’s website may be excluded from any directory or search engine at any time at the sole discretion of the search engine or directory.
• Due to the competitiveness of some keywords/phrases, ongoing changes in search engine ranking algorithms, and other competitive factors, Photo SEO Lab does not guarantee #1 positions or consistent top 10 positions for any particular keyword, phrase, or search term.
• Google has been known to hinder the rankings of new websites (or pages) until they have proven their viability to exist for more than “x” amount of time. This is referred to as the “Google Sandbox.” Photo SEO Lab assumes no liability for ranking/traffic/indexing issues related to Google Sandbox penalties.
• Occasionally, search engines will drop listings for no apparent or predictable reason. Often, the listing will reappear without any additional SEO. Should a listing be dropped during the SEO campaign and does not reappear within 30 days of campaign completion, Photo SEO Lab will re-optimize the website/page based on the current policies of the search engine in question.
• Some search directories offer expedited listing services for a fee. If the Client wishes to engage in said expedited listing services (e.g., paid directories), the Client is responsible for all paid for inclusion or expedited service fees. Photo SEO Lab can offer a list of expedited listing services upon request.
• Linking to “bad neighborhoods” or getting links from “link farms” can seriously damage all SEO efforts. Photo SEO Lab does not assume liability for the Client’s choice to link to or obtain a link from any particular website without prior consultation.
4. Scope Change
Whilst the initial timescale of the project is set as [see package] hours for the actionable work, various situations outside of Photo SEO Lab’s control can impact timescales and result in what is known as Scope Change.
Examples of potential scope change:
- After the client sign-up, we discover there is no existing data available within Google Search Console. In this situation, it is in the clients’ interests that we wait until we have at least one month of data prior to optimizing the site. Photo SEO Lab cannot be held responsible for delays due to a lack of data. The client can expedite the project completion by having Google Analytics and Google Search Console set up prior to hiring Photo SEO Lab.
- The client decides to switch platforms or make a design change mid-project. Whilst we will be flexible and do our best to accommodate the client’s schedule, the client should be aware that re-scheduling work does impact our business operations and planning, and therefore it may take longer than initially planned to complete the project.
- The client does not attend pre-arranged calls. Clients should be aware no-shows to meetings have an impact on our operations. All client meetings are sent out with a reschedule link. Clients are able to reschedule at more than 24 hours’ notice. Re-scheduling within 24 hours will result in a loss of that coaching call/meeting. In this scenario, should the client wish to re-arrange, additional coaching calls will be chargeable.
5. 3rd Party Website Changes
Photo SEO Lab is not responsible for changes made to the website by other parties that adversely affect the search engine rankings of the Client’s website.
6. Additional Services
Additional Services not listed herein (such as copywriting of blog posts) will be provided for a fee of $75 per hour.
7. Copyright & Ownership
The Client guarantees any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork provided to Photo SEO Lab for inclusion on the website above are owned by the Client, or that the Client has received permission from the rightful owner(s) to use each of the elements and will hold harmless, protect, and defend Photo SEO Lab and its subcontractors from any liability or suit arising from the use of such elements.
8. Post Optimisation Changes
Photo SEO Lab is not responsible for the Client overwriting SEO work to the Client’s site. (e.g., Client/webmaster uploading over work already provided/optimized). The Client will be charged an additional fee for re-constructing content, based on the hourly rate of $35 per hour. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Photo SEO Lab’s obligation to provide free SEO services shall cease in the event the Client’s conduct overwrites the SEO services provided. For example, if the client’s webmaster uploads content without consulting Photo SEO Lab, then Photo SEO Lab’s obligation to provide SEO services for free shall terminate.
9. Complaints Process
We are committed to delivering a great quality service that gets our clients results. Should the client be unhappy at any point during the project, we request the client email us and allow us time to resolve things to the client’s satisfaction.
Please be aware that making a complaint directly to one of our payment processors could jeopardize our business and potentially prevent us from being able to continue to serve the client, as well as other clients.
10. Arbitration Agreement
WHEREAS, the parties herein recognize disputes and differences may arise between parties; AND WHEREAS the parties herein recognize that litigation in court can be time consuming and expensive; AND WHEREAS the parties agree it is in their best interest to appoint an arbitrator to resolve such disputes as they arise; NOW IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:
The parties hereto agree to refer the following matters and responsibilities to the Arbitrator: To resolve all disputes and differences that arise under this contract
In the event that there are any disputes or controversies that arise between the parties pursuant to the terms of this contract, then the parties are waiving their right to litigate these issues in court and instead elect to have these disputes resolved through arbitration.
The parties agree that any disputes are to be arbitrated through the Scottish Arbitration Centre and that the parties agree to abide by the rules of the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010
WHEREFORE, it is agreed that all claims and disputes arising or relating to the contract are to be settled by binding arbitration in Scotland. Said arbitration is to be resolved through the Scottish Arbitration Centre and the parties agree to abide by these rules.
Any decision or award as a result of any such arbitration shall be issued in writing and the arbitrator shall be mutually selected pursuant to the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 rules followed by theScottish Arbitration Centre
Any arbitration award may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction.
11. Indemnification
A. Client will indemnify and hold Vendor harmless from and against any claims by third parties, including all costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees incurred (“Damages”), arising out of or in conjunction with (i) Client’s performance under or breach of any obligation or agreement of this Agreement, and (ii) any actual or threatened claim that the content provided by Client to Vendor infringe any intellectual property, including, but not limited to, infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret made against Vendor by any third party.
B. Vendor shall indemnify, defend, and hold Client harmless from, and against any and all third party Damages arising out of or resulting from (i) Vendor’s performance or breach of any obligation or agreement of Vendor under this Agreement, (ii) any misrepresentation made by Vendor in this Agreement, or (iii) any actual or threatened claim that the Deliverables or the Deliverables infringe any intellectual property, including, but not limited to, infringement of any copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret made against Client by any third party.
12. Force Majeure
If either party is prevented from complying, either totally or in part, with any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement by reason of fire, flood, storm, computer virus, war, accident, or other acts of God, then upon written notice to the other party, the requirements of this Agreement, or the affected provisions hereof to the extent affected, shall be suspended during the period of such disability. During such period, the party not prevented from complying may seek to have its needs (which would otherwise be met hereunder) met by the other without liability hereunder. The party prevented from complying shall make all reasonable efforts to remove such disability within ten (10) days of giving such notice and the party not prevented from complying pursuant to this Section may terminate this Agreement, without liability, upon expiration of such ten (10) day period. However, the Vendor agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to protect the Deliverables, information, and the Deliverables it has created for the Client from any force majeure event including insuring the appropriate information is backed up and stored at a safe site on a reasonable basis to help protect from such unforeseen events.