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Struggling to get more traffic from Google? Let us take a deeper look!

SEO for Wedding Photographers

You’ve been on SEO for photographers Workshops, you’ve purchased SEO courses, and you’ve subscribed and unsubscribed to SEO blogs. But – you’re stuck with knowing what to do, or if the work you have done is, well… working!?

You’re done with experimenting – what you need now is results.

I’m Karen – and I founded the Photo SEO Lab to help wedding photographers like you. The Photo SEO Lab is a boutique SEO agency, so whilst we have a specialist SEO team for SEO research and data consolidation, clients all work directly with me.

We don’t offer a standalone SEO for wedding photographers’ course. We specialise in SEO strategy and applying technical SEO to photography websites. we are passionate about education, so with the exception of the research part of our projects, our work is done live, with our fabulous clients so that not only can you learn SEO best practice, but we get to learn about you, your business, and your ideal clients.

You don’t need any technical skills at all, we deal with that side of things. What we do need to know is who you love working with. Google is a fabulous matchmaker, so we want to ensure your website is found by the right people.

Portrait of Karen who specialises in SEO for wedding photographers








Wedding Photographer SEO Services

Wedding Photography SEO: How Does it Work?

Every photography SEO project starts with establishing a benchmark of how your website is performing. I’ll assist you with setting up Google Search Console and Google Analytics unless it’s set up already. If it’s already set up, we’ll complete a health check of this and correct any settings.

Full SEO Audit

Your photography website will receive a full technical SEO audit. In this audit, every single page and link will be checked and analyzed, and this data will be used to help guide tasks completed within your project. With search engines, technical problems can make it difficult for them to understand your site, so we’ll want to make sure that your site has no problems that would stop potential clients from finding you.

Keyword Research

We’ll undertake extensive research of your competitors, and identify good target keywords for you. To help you get the best long term results from search engine optimization, our target keyword recommendations will take into account search volume and level of competitiveness. We want your photography business to be found by your ideal client, so keyword strategy is really important. We’ll use one (or sometimes two!) of your coaching calls to discuss content strategy, then we’ll work together to improve the quality of the content on your website to ensure no keyword stuffing, fix any site speed issues, and ensure your site complies with current best practice guidelines from Google.

Image Optimization

Image SEO will be a key part of your photography SEO project, and in this area, we go beyond website optimization and will show you how to correctly optimize your wedding photos in Adobe Lightroom before they are added to your website, we help optimize the images sizes, and you’ll receive coaching on things like file name optimization and correct use of alt text.

Photography Website

We’ll optimize your home page together, improving things like word count, site speed, and ensuring the web page provides a good user experience. We’ll analyze every file size on your home page to ensure a fast loading speed for a mobile device as well as desktop. It’s a ranking factor to have an SSL certificate, so if you don’t have one, we’ll help you with that.

Wedding Blog

When it comes to blog posts, we know many photographers struggle with wedding blogs. We’ll help guide you on how to write blogs for your target clients, not a search engine. This SEO coaching will cover things like title tags, page titles, URL structure, meta descriptions, and of course the content itself. It’s important your content matches search intent, and we’ll work together live on a video call to show you how to use various SEO tools to find out what that is. For WordPress websites, we’ll help install an SEO plugin (Yoast) and calibrate this for you. An SEO plugin can be a great SEO tool to help you with blogging. We won’t optimize every single wedding blog post, but we do optimize a number of these together. The exact number varies depending on your chosen package.

Once we have completed all of these steps, we’ll look at other ranking factors like schema optimization, (to increase your chances of being shown in featured snippets), the distribution of your content on social media, your overall social media activity, backlinks, and of course, Google my Business for those map results.

Photographers SEO Project Summary

This is a lot of features to fit into a photography SEO project, and this is the reason our full projects for established sites start at 15 hours. To achieve a bunch of page 1 rankings for you, we want to ensure everything from site structure to your web pages is all optimized to offer the best possible user experience and give you the best chance at ranking, and getting as many website visitors as possible. Our SEO Projects are 6-12 months long so that we can monitor your website performance to ensure your site visitors are increasing and that your website traffic is coming from our targeted areas.

What My Clients Say

SEO Service Capacity and Client Experience

We are a boutique-style SEO agency. This means that whilst we have specialist SEO contractors who will undertake research and data consolidation, you’ll be working directly with Karen.

To provide the best possible levels of service we have a limited amount of space for clients, with a maximum of 12 spaces available per year. At peak times of the year, we often have a 2-3 week wait time. We start the research and site analysis process as soon as you’re booked in.

Check out the online appointments page to see our latest availability.

Want to chat about working together?